Monday 8 May 2017



Adem Student Organisation (ASO)- Mbeya, is the Organisation of the Students in the Agency for the Development of Educational Management at Mbeya Campus.Generally,The Agency for the Development of Educational Management (ADEM), formerly MANTEP, is located in Bagamoyo town with two Campus in Mwanza City near Kirumba Resort and in Mbeya City,New Forest Area,near Mbeya Regional Hospital,Opposite to MSD. ADEM was legally established as an Executive Agency on 30th August 2001, under the Executive Agencies Act No. 30 of 1997, to carry out training, conduct research and provide consultancy services on educational leadership, management and administration. The Agency is a semi-autonomous institution under   the Ministry of Education,Science and Technology with the core function of training educational personnel in educational leadership, management and administration for the purpose of raising the standard of education in Tanzania. The institutional objective is therefore, to promote educational management training through provision of high quality programmes and courses, so as to facilitate graduates to efficiently manage as well as advance themselves academically. ADEM is also mandated to disseminate educational mate that focus on leadership, management and administration to various stakeholders in the education sector.
ADEM is the only government agency in Tanzania where school managers and education personnel are equipped with managerial knowledge and skills for the purpose of enhancing school and general educational leadership, management and administration. In that respect, ADEM will continue to address challenges in the education sector on the basis of its vision of being a center of excellence in educational leadership and management training, research and consultancy in East Africa.

In the period between the 1990 and 2000, Tanzania has undertaken reforms in the education system, aimed at expanding its provision due to demographic demands. One of the reforms is the Education Sector Development Programme (ESDP) which was introduced to translate the 1995 Education and Training Policy (ETP).  The  Primary Education Development Pprogramme (PEDP) (2002-2006) were developed to implement ESDP  followed by Secondary Education Development Programme (SEDP). The implementation of PEDP and SEDP resulted to an abrupt increase of enrolment in schools. The increased number of pupils and schools necessitated the decentralization of management of schools as it was difficult to manage the schools from the centre. The Government decided to decentralize the management and administration of by devolving the powers to Local Government Authorities (LGAs) through the mode popularly known as Decentralization by Devolution (D-by-D). In this reform, the management of both primary and secondary education was brought to Local Government Authorities. Thus, there is a need for strengthening the capacity of education officials to enable them to competently and efficiently manage education at local government level. The leaders include Headteachers, school committee members, school heads, school board members and education officials at the district and regional levels.

Considering the above reforms and the ADEM‘s vision and mission, the Agency is committed to the implementation of its core business of training, research and consultancy as well as dissemination of materials relating to education leadership, management and administration in Tanzania.  To implement this commitment, ADEM is planning to reach more educational managers at all levels through short courses, by training large number of participants which include Primary School Head teachers, Primary School Committee members, Secondary School Heads, Secondary School Board Members, Ward Education Coordinators, District and Regional Educational Officials and other education personnel. The Agency is currently conducts three long course programmes namely Certificate in Education Leadership, Management and Administration (CELMA), Diploma in Education Management and Administration (DEMA) and Diploma in School Inspection (DSI). ADEM is in the final preparations to conduct Bachelor degree in Education Management and Quality Assurance (BEM-QA).

Recently ADEM has conducted short courses in School Leadership,   Education Resource Mobilization, Emergence Preparedness, Monitoring and Evaluation, Teacher Mentorship, Whole School Development Planning and Financial Resource Expenditure Reporting for various education managers at School, Ward, District, Regional and National levels and  School Management Toolkit. We have also conducted the course in strengthening teaching 3Rs for 22,993 Standard III and IV Primary school teachers in Tanzania Mainland and training on Construction Management in Schools for 1200 Heads of Secondary School Tanzania Mainland.  The main objective of these courses is to provide educational officials with skills in addressing challenges in the education sector and schools in particular. Also the Agency is  conducting short course in Disaster Management in Education to various educational managers and stakeholders. The implementations of short courses are expected to improve leadership and performance in schools leading to higher academic performance and quality education delivery in particular.

Currently, the Agency is running its courses in  three centres, namely in Bagamoyo, Mbeya and in Mwanza. This is intended to bring our services closer to the clients for the purpose of creating efficiency and effectiveness in educational institutions.

The Chief Executive, staff and the entire community of ADEM welcome you to get training in education leadership, management and administration, research and consultancy services so as to improve management of schools and other education institutions and the entire education sector. We are committed to our vision and mission to make you enjoy our services. To us, customer satisfaction is our first priority

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